Dies ist fidogate.info, hergestellt von Makeinfo Version 4.1 aus fidogate.texi. This file documents the installation and usage of FIDOGATE version 4.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2000, Martin Junius Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into other languages, under the above conditions for modified versions.  File: fidogate.info, Node: Example Node, Next: Usage, Prev: Example Point 2, Up: Basic Example Leaf Node configuration =============================== Let's assume the following addresses: Fido main address 2:2499/999 Uplink (NetMail and EchoMail) 2:2499/900 Gateway point address 2:2499/999.1 Two points, Max Mueller @ 2:2499/999.10, Sabine Meier @ 2:2499/999.11 Address configuration `fidogate.conf': Address 2:2499/999 GateAddress 2:2499/999.1 Routing configuration `routing': NetMail for the two points will be remapped to their point addresses, everything else to the gateway (where you will be reading your mail). NetMail for all points is `send' onto hold, everything else `route'd to your uplink. EchoMail is alway put onto hold. remap 2:2499/999.0 2:2499/999.10 "Max Mueller" remap 2:2499/999.0 2:2499/999.11 "Sabine Meier" remap 2:2499/999.0 2:2499/999.1 "*" NetMail send hold 2:2499/999.* route normal 2:2499/900 1:* 2:* 3:* 4:* 5:* 6:* EchoMail sendmove hold 2:2499/999.* sendmove normal * Packer configuration `packing': `noarc' packing for the gateway address, `zip' is the default archiver for everything else. arc zip "/usr/bin/zip -9gkjq %s %s" pack noarc 2:2499/999.1 pack zip * Next, the EchoMail areas must be listed in the `areas.bbs' file. Do not put your node address into `areas.bbs'! Example with two areas, both subscribed by the gateway and your points (the directory `X' is not used for EchoMail areas): Your system name!sysop name #X LINUX.GER 2:2499/900 999.1 .10 .11 #X UNIX.GER 2:2499/900 999.1 .11 `#' denotes a passthrough area, i.e. no packets for the own address (2:2499/999) are created. All EchoMail will be send to the gateway (.1). In the gateway configuration, these areas must be listed in the `areas' config file: LINUX.GER fido.ger.linux -8 UNIX.GER fido.ger.unix -8 For regular processing, the following scripts should be run from cron every 20 min or so: `rungate' Inbound gateway (Fido -> Internet and FTN -> FTN) processing `runin' Inbound tosser and ticker processing `runmail' Outbound gateway for mail (Internet -> Fido) processing. `runnews' Outbound gateway for news (Internet -> Fido) processing. `runout' Outbound packet processing (various sources). To use the areafix, the gateway and the mail system must be working. You can then install suitable aliases in `/etc/aliases': # Areafix/Filefix - FIDOGATE ftnaf areafix: "|/usr/lib/fidogate/ftnafmail" areamgr: areafix filefix: "|/usr/lib/fidogate/ftnafmail -F" filemgr: filefix That's it. I hope that this short chapter on basic configuration clarifies some of the darker point of the FIDOGATE configuration. Anyway, please help to improve the FIDOGATE documentation.  File: fidogate.info, Node: Usage, Next: RFC Headers, Prev: Example Node, Up: Top FIDOGATE Usage ************** * Menu: * RFC Headers:: RFC Headers in FTN Messages * X Headers:: X Headers in RFC Messages  File: fidogate.info, Node: RFC Headers, Next: X Headers, Prev: Usage, Up: Usage RFC Headers in FTN Messages =========================== FIDOGATE's `ftn2rfc' supports the following RFC headers at the start of an FTN message. RFC headers must be the first text lines, max. 3 empty lines before the RFC headers are allowed. Only one header line of each type is allowed. `From: address' Sets From header line. If set and the `areas' flag `-g' is on, messages will not be gated, because they are considered comming from another FTN-RFC gateway. `Reply-To: address' Sets Reply-To header line. `To: address' Sets To header line. `Cc: address' Sets Cc header line. `Bcc: address' Sets Bcc header line. `Newsgroups: groups' Sets Newsgroups header line. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. `Sender: address' Sets Sender header line. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. `Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit | 8bit | quoted-printable' Sets content encoding type, overriding the default configured in `fidogate.conf' (`NetMail8bit', `NetMailQuotedPrintable') or `areas' (`-8', `-Q'). `ftn2rfc' sends mail to all addresses listed in To, Cc, and Bcc. It support the RFC1036 standard address formats: user@do.main user@do.main (Real Name) Real Name Multiple addresses can be separated by a `,'.  File: fidogate.info, Node: X Headers, Next: Index, Prev: RFC Headers, Up: Usage X Headers in RFC Messages ========================= FIDOGATE's `rfc2ftn' supports the following X headers in RFC messages: `X-Comment-To: name' Use for the recipient's name in news articles. `X-Flags: flags' `c' Message is crash. `p' Message is private (default for mail). `h' Message is hold. `f' Subject contains file attachment name. `r' Sets return receipt request. `m' Generates a FTN style `^MSGID', i.e. `^AMSGID: 'Z:N/F.P 1234abcd. In addition, no `^AREPLY' kludge is generated. THIS FLAG IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NORMAL OPERATION!!! `n' Do not generate a From line, and the `^AREPLYADDR', `REPLYTO' kludges.  File: fidogate.info, Node: Index, Prev: X Headers, Up: Top Index ***** * Menu: * Aliases: Aliases. * ArcMail: ftnpack. * Areafix <1>: ftnafmail. * Areafix: ftnaf. * Areas: Areas. * areas.bbs: Areas.bbs. * Bounce messages: Bounce. * Busy files: ftnbsy. * Checksum: sumcrc. * Compiling: Compiling. * Config <1>: Config. * Config: ftnconfig. * Config files: Config files. * Configuration <1>: Example Node. * Configuration <2>: Example Point 2. * Configuration <3>: Example Point. * Configuration <4>: Sendmail. * Configuration: Basic. * Connecting: Connecting. * CRC: sumcrc. * EchoMail: Areas.bbs. * Example <1>: Example Node. * Example <2>: Example Point 2. * Example: Example Point. * ffx: ffx. * ffxmail <1>: ffxnews. * ffxmail: ffxmail. * ffxqt <1>: runffx. * ffxqt <2>: ffxrmail. * ffxqt: ffxqt. * ffxrmail: ffxrmail. * fidogate.conf: Config. * FIDONET: Connecting. * File attach: ftnfattach. * ftn2ftn: ftn2ftn. * ftn2rfc <1>: ftnin. * ftn2rfc: ftn2rfc. * ftnaf <1>: ftnafmail. * ftnaf: ftnaf. * ftnafpkt: ftnafpkt. * ftnafutil: ftnafutil. * ftnbsy: ftnbsy. * ftnconfig: ftnconfig. * ftnexpire: ftnexpire. * ftnfattach: ftnfattach. * ftnflo: ftnflo. * ftnhatch: ftnhatch. * ftnin: ftnin. * ftninpost: ftninpost. * ftninrecomb: ftninrecomb. * ftnlock: ftnlock. * ftnlog: ftnlog. * ftnmail: ftnmail. * ftnoutpkt: ftnoutpkt. * ftnpack: ftnpack. * ftnroute: ftnroute. * ftnseq: ftnseq. * ftntick: ftntick. * ftntickpost: ftntickpost. * ftntoss: ftntoss. * Gateway <1>: ftn2ftn. * Gateway <2>: rfc2ftn. * Gateway: ftn2rfc. * Header <1>: X Headers. * Header: RFC Headers. * Hosts: Hosts. * Installation <1>: Compiling. * Installation: Installation. * Integration: Integration. * Introduction <1>: Introduction. * Introduction: Top. * Lock files: ftnlock. * Log file: ftnlog. * Logging: ftnlog. * Mail <1>: ffxnews. * Mail: ffxmail. * Node: Example Node. * Packing: Packing. * Password: Passwd. * pktdebug: pktdebug. * pktmore: pktmore. * Point <1>: Example Point 2. * Point: Example Point. * Programs: Programs. * Remote Execution: ffxqt. * Remote execution: ffx. * RFC header: RFC Headers. * rfc2ftn: rfc2ftn. * Routing <1>: Routing. * Routing: ftnroute. * runffx: runffx. * rungate: rungate. * runin: runin. * runmail: runmail. * runnews: runnews. * runout: runout. * runtoss: runtoss. * rununpack: rununpack. * send-ffx: send-ffx. * send-fidogate: send-fidogate. * sendmail: Sendmail. * sumcrc: sumcrc. * Testing: Testing. * Tossing <1>: rununpack. * Tossing <2>: runtoss. * Tossing <3>: runout. * Tossing <4>: runnews. * Tossing <5>: runmail. * Tossing <6>: runin. * Tossing: ftntoss. * Usage: Usage. * X header: X Headers.