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5. Basic Configuration

There seems to be some confusion about the basic configuration of the mail/news system, the gateway, and the tosser, so I added this chapter. Hopefully this will help ...

5.1 Sendmail Configuration  Sendmail configuration
5.2 Example Point Configuration  Example point configuration
5.3 Example Configuration with 2 Point Addresses  Example configuration with 2 point addresses
5.4 Example Leaf Node configuration  Example leaf node configuration

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5.1 Sendmail Configuration

This section describes the FIDOGATE additions to the sendmail V8 m4 configuration.

FIDOGATE adds two new mailer files, ftn.m4 and ffx.m4. Use MAILER(ftn) and/or Mailer(ffx) to include these mailer definitions. (See the comment above for what ffx is good for. Most likely you won't need it.)

Please note that the new FIDOGATE mailers are based on the SMTP mailer sender/recipient rewrite rules, so including MAILER(smtp) is mandatory!

FIDOGATE ftn mailers (using the ftnmail wrapper for rfc2ftn):

Mailer for sending to systems registered in the hosts config file. ftn will bounce mails if the receiving host is not registered or marked as down.

Mailer for sending to a typical p.f.n.z domain, e.g. .fidonet.org. ftni will send the mail to any system, regardless of the registration in hosts.

Like ftni, but the ftna mailer also sets the address and uplink of the gateway to the relay host passed to this mailer.

Like ftna. In addition, this mailer sets the directory for packets created by rfc2ftn to SPOOLDIR/outpkt/relayhost.

FIDOGATE ffx mailer (using the ffxmail utitility):

Mailer for sending via the FIDOGATE ffx sub-system.

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5.2 Example Point Configuration

Please note that this point configuration uses the FIDOGATE tosser. Thus, it's different from the point configuration described in Roland Rosenfeld's old Point HOWTO!!! The Point HOWTO configuration will definitely NOT work with FIDOGATE version 4!!!

Actually, this point configuration is very similar to the node configuration described in the next section.

Let's assume the following addresses:

Fido point address 2:2499/999.9

Boss node (NetMail and EchoMail) 2:2499/999

Address configuration fidogate.conf (gateway and point address are the same!), gateway configuration EchoMail4D is stricly reqired:

Address 2:2499/999.9

Routing configuration routing: mail for the local address on hold, everything else is send to the boss node.

route    hold   2:2499/999.9
route    normal 2:2499/999 1:* 2:* 3:* 4:* 5:* 6:*

sendmove hold   2:2499/999.9
sendmove normal *

Packer configuration packing: no packing (noarc, this is very important) for own address, zip is the default archiver for everything else.

arc  zip    "/usr/bin/zip -9gkjq %s %s"

pack noarc  2:2499/999.9
pack zip    *

Next, the EchoMail areas must be listed in the areas.bbs file. Do not put your point address into areas.bbs! Example with two areas (the directory X is not used for EchoMail areas), which must be non-passthrough:

Example Point!User Name
X LINUX.GER 2:2499/999
X UNIX.GER  2:2499/999

In the gateway configuration, these areas must be listed in the areas config file:

LINUX.GER fido.ger.linux -8
UNIX.GER  fido.ger.unix  -8

The example configuration files for this configuration can be found in examples/point/. See also scripts/run/runpoll for a suitable poll script, which does everything necessary for a FIDOGATE point.

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5.3 Example Configuration with 2 Point Addresses

This section describes a point setup with 2 different point addresses and 2 different boss nodes. Thanks to Stephan Zellerhoff <stephan@poi.westfalen.de> for contributing some stuff.

Let's assume the following addresses:

Primary point address 2:2499/999.9, boss node 2:2499/999

Secondary point address 2:2498/888.8, boss node 2:2498/888

Setup with FIDOGATE:

Put the following address statements in fidogate.conf
Address 2:2499/999.9
Address 2:2498/888.8
Please note that the primary point address must be the first entry!

Use the sendmail mailertable feature and create the following entries for routing Fidonet mail:
# Mail to 2:2498/*, secondary address
.n2498.z2.fidonet.org    ftna:p8.f888.n2498.z2.fidonet.org
# Everything else 2:*/*, primary address
.z2.fidonet.org          ftna:p9.f999.n2499.z2.fidonet.org
Please note that in this setup, the relay host specified with the ftna mailer is your own address, not your boss node!!!

Areas send to the primary boss don't require anything special in the areas config file, areas send to the secondary boss must have the -a 2:2498/888.8 option, e.g.
LINUX.GER    fido.ger.linux    -a 2:2498/888.8 -8

Likewise, areas send to the secondary boss must have the -a 2:2498/888.8 option in areas.bbs and the secondary boss as the uplink, e.g.
X LINUX.GER    -a 2:2498/888.8    2:2498/888

The netmail routing must be adapted to send mail to the secondary boss, e.g. everything for net 2498:
route    hold     2:2499/999.9
route    hold     2:2498/888.8

route    normal   2:2498/888 2:2498/*.*
route    normal   2:2499/999 2:*

sendmove hold     2:2499/999.9 2498/888.8
sendmove normal   *

Packer configuration packing: no packing (noarc, this is very important) for all of our own addressess, zip is the default archiver for everything else.

arc  zip    "/usr/bin/zip -9gkjq %s %s"

pack noarc  2:2499/999.9 2498/888.8
pack zip    *

Otherwise see the standard point configuration with a single address.

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5.4 Example Leaf Node configuration

Let's assume the following addresses:

Fido main address 2:2499/999

Uplink (NetMail and EchoMail) 2:2499/900

Gateway point address 2:2499/999.1

Two points, Max Mueller @ 2:2499/999.10, Sabine Meier @ 2:2499/999.11

Address configuration fidogate.conf:

Address     2:2499/999
GateAddress 2:2499/999.1

Routing configuration routing: NetMail for the two points will be remapped to their point addresses, everything else to the gateway (where you will be reading your mail). NetMail for all points is send onto hold, everything else routed to your uplink. EchoMail is alway put onto hold.

remap    2:2499/999.0 2:2499/999.10 "Max Mueller"
remap    2:2499/999.0 2:2499/999.11 "Sabine Meier"
remap    2:2499/999.0 2:2499/999.1  "*"

send     hold   2:2499/999.*
route    normal 2:2499/900 1:* 2:* 3:* 4:* 5:* 6:*

sendmove hold   2:2499/999.*
sendmove normal *

Packer configuration packing: noarc packing for the gateway address, zip is the default archiver for everything else.

arc      zip    "/usr/bin/zip -9gkjq %s %s"

pack     noarc  2:2499/999.1
pack     zip    *

Next, the EchoMail areas must be listed in the areas.bbs file. Do not put your node address into areas.bbs! Example with two areas, both subscribed by the gateway and your points (the directory X is not used for EchoMail areas):

Your system name!sysop name
#X LINUX.GER 2:2499/900 999.1 .10 .11
#X UNIX.GER  2:2499/900 999.1 .11

# denotes a passthrough area, i.e. no packets for the own address (2:2499/999) are created. All EchoMail will be send to the gateway (.1).

In the gateway configuration, these areas must be listed in the areas config file:

LINUX.GER fido.ger.linux -8
UNIX.GER  fido.ger.unix  -8

For regular processing, the following scripts should be run from cron every 20 min or so:

Inbound gateway (Fido -> Internet and FTN -> FTN) processing

Inbound tosser and ticker processing

Outbound gateway for mail (Internet -> Fido) processing.

Outbound gateway for news (Internet -> Fido) processing.

Outbound packet processing (various sources).

To use the areafix, the gateway and the mail system must be working. You can then install suitable aliases in /etc/aliases:

# Areafix/Filefix - FIDOGATE ftnaf
areafix: "|/usr/lib/fidogate/ftnafmail"
areamgr: areafix
filefix: "|/usr/lib/fidogate/ftnafmail -F"
filemgr: filefix

That's it. I hope that this short chapter on basic configuration clarifies some of the darker point of the FIDOGATE configuration. Anyway, please help to improve the FIDOGATE documentation.

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