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6.1 RFC Headers in FTN Messages  
6.2 X Headers in RFC Messages  

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6.1 RFC Headers in FTN Messages

FIDOGATE's ftn2rfc supports the following RFC headers at the start of an FTN message. RFC headers must be the first text lines, max. 3 empty lines before the RFC headers are allowed. Only one header line of each type is allowed.

From: address
Sets From header line. If set and the areas flag -g is on, messages will not be gated, because they are considered comming from another FTN-RFC gateway.

Reply-To: address
Sets Reply-To header line.

To: address
Sets To header line.

Cc: address
Sets Cc header line.

Bcc: address
Sets Bcc header line.

Newsgroups: groups
Sets Newsgroups header line. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.

Sender: address
Sets Sender header line. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit | 8bit | quoted-printable
Sets content encoding type, overriding the default configured in fidogate.conf (NetMail8bit, NetMailQuotedPrintable) or areas (-8, -Q).

ftn2rfc sends mail to all addresses listed in To, Cc, and Bcc. It support the RFC1036 standard address formats:

user@do.main (Real Name)
Real Name <user@do.main>

Multiple addresses can be separated by a ,.

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6.2 X Headers in RFC Messages

FIDOGATE's rfc2ftn supports the following X headers in RFC messages:

X-Comment-To: name
Use for the recipient's name in news articles.

X-Flags: flags
Message is crash.
Message is private (default for mail).
Message is hold.
Subject contains file attachment name.
Sets return receipt request.
Generates a FTN style ^MSGID, i.e. ^AMSGID: Z:N/F.P 1234abcd. In addition, no ^AREPLY kludge is generated. THIS FLAG IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NORMAL OPERATION!!!
Do not generate a From line, and the ^AREPLYADDR, REPLYTO kludges.

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This document was generated by Martin Junius on December, 14 2002 using texi2html